A photographer is launching a new book featuring 100 touching images showing the loving bond between young children and their enormous dogs. 一位摄影师出版了一本新图集,包含了100幅感人的照片,这些照片展现了小孩子和他们的大狗狗之间爱的牵绊。 The series of pictures shows breeds such as Great Danes and Newfoundlands towering over toddlers - highlighting their mutual love for each other. 系列照片展示了不同品种的狗狗--如大丹狗和纽芬兰犬,在蹒跚学步的小孩子面前显得如此高大威猛--着重展现了狗狗和主人之间浓浓的爱意。 Children no taller than 2ft are seen high-fiving their family pets, running alongside them and even riding their beloved dogs as if they were a horse. 照片中能看到不到两英尺高的孩子或与宠物狗举手击掌,或与它们并肩奔跑,甚至把它们当成马骑在它们身上。 Alice, aged one year seven months, with Great Dane Sean, who weighs 13 stone and is 95cm tall. 一岁零七个月的爱丽丝,与重13英石高95cm的大丹狗肖恩。 The extraordinary collection will feature in a book called 'Little Kids and Their Big Dogs' - which is all down to the work of photographer Andy Seliverstoff. 这些杰出的作品将汇总在一部名为《小孩子和大狗狗》的书中--所有照片都来自摄影师安迪瑟利夫斯托夫。 Andy, 58, has so far spent four months taking pictures around St. Petersburg, Russia, and hopes to show big dogs are just as friendly as smaller breeds with children. 58岁的安迪花费了4个月时间在俄罗斯圣彼德斯堡周围拍摄照片,希望能向人们展示大狗也可以像小型犬一样和小孩子们友好相处。 He said: 'It's very difficult to say if big breeds get a bad name, because all dogs are very different. 他说:"很难说大狗就名声不好,因为所有的狗都是不同的。" We only took photos with dogs that have a stable mind and good temperament, as these dogs are open to bonding with both people and children. "我们只拍摄了那些性情稳定、脾气温和的狗,因为这些狗狗更愿意与人类和孩子们建立感情。" I'm just trying to achieve and convey the mutual contact between a child and their dog.' "我只是尝试捕捉和传达孩子和狗之间的相互接触。" Dad-of-one Andy, from St. Petersburg, has a five-year-old Brindle Great Dane called 'Orchidea MonAmour' - meaning 'orchestrate my love' in English. 安迪来自圣彼得斯堡,有一个孩子和一只五岁大的斑纹大丹狗,名叫"Orchidea MonAmour"--意味着"谱写我的爱"。 Best friends stick together: Four-and-a-half year old Gregory puts an arm around Krispy, a Briad who weighs six and a half stone. 好朋友一起走。四岁半的格雷戈里一只胳膊搂着克里斯皮,一只6.5英石重的伯瑞犬。 Who needs a horse?! Certainly not Theodore aged three, who is pictured riding his Newfoundland Ringo, who weighs almost 12 stone. 谁还需要马?!三岁的西奥多绝对不需要,照片中的他骑在他的纽芬兰犬林戈背上,这只狗体重近12英石。 He has long been a lover of larger breeds, and once owned a long-haired St. Bernard over 25 years ago. 安迪一直是大型犬的钟爱者,自己曾经养过一只25岁的长毛圣伯纳德犬。 Having fallen in love with big dogs, he then travelled the world photographing dog shows. 自从爱上了大型犬以来,他开始环游世界到处拍摄狗狗。 When friends asked him in the summer to take photographs of their Great Dane with their two-year-old daughter Alice, he met them in a park - and the idea for the book was born. 夏天的时候,有朋友请他帮忙给自己的大丹犬和两岁的女儿爱丽丝拍照。他和他们在公园碰面--就在那个时候,要出一本书的想法油然而生。 Harlequin Great Dane Zara poses for a photo in front of Alexandra, two. The dogs weighs over 11 stone and is 82cm tall. 斑点大丹犬扎拉在2岁的亚历山大面前摆姿势拍照。狗狗体重超过11英石,高82cm。 This adorable photo shows a Great Dane named Wolf watching over little VseVolod, aged one year and 11 months. The dog weighs 12 and a half stone. 这张可爱的照片展现了一只叫"狼"的大丹狗照看一岁零十一个月大的弗塞沃洛德。狗狗体重12.5英石。 Alice was tiny compared to five-year-old 'Sean' the Great Dane, who weighed 82kg - or nearly 13 stone. 和五岁大的大丹狗"肖恩"比起来,爱丽丝显得十分娇小。这只狗体重达82kg--近13英石。 Andy posted the photos on social media, along with a set he took of Newfoundland 'Ringo' and child Theo, who was just three years old - and people loved it. 安迪把照片放在了社交媒体上,同时还包括他为纽芬兰犬"林戈"和3岁的西奥多小朋友拍摄的一组照片--人们非常喜欢。 He said: 'They said it was deeply touching and I decided to continue working on the project. 他说:"他们说这些照片深深地触动了他们,所以我决定继续这项工作。" Ilya, aged two and half, runs alongside Great Dane Shane, who weighs more than 10 stone - plus a Daschund who may have an inferiority complex. 两岁半的伊利娅在大丹犬谢恩旁并肩奔跑,这只狗体重超过10英石--相比起来,旁边的腊肠犬似乎有点自卑。 Alice with her Great Dane Sean, frolicking together. Andy, 58, has so far spent four months taking pictures around St. Petersburg, Russia, and hopes to show big dogs are just as friendly as smaller breeds with children. 爱丽丝和大丹犬肖恩在一起嬉笑打闹。58岁的安迪花费了4个月时间在俄罗斯圣彼德斯堡周围拍摄照片,希望能向热门展示,大狗也可以像小型犬一样和小孩子们友好相处。 The main priority with these photos wasn't just to make beautiful pictures, but to also show how children and their big dogs communicate and make contact with each other.' "我的主要目的并不是为了拍美美的照片,同时也向人们展示了孩子和大狗之间是如何交流和沟通的。" Some of the photos in the series feature the dog's owner's grandchildren, or even children of friends. 该系列中有一部分照片拍摄的是主人的孙子孙女,甚至是孩子的朋友们。 Varvara and Vasiisa, aged 3 and 5, with their Black Russian Terrier dogs Kadril, who weighs almost eight stone, and Hobbit, who weighs more than 10 stone. 三岁的瓦尔瓦拉和五岁的瓦西莎,和她们的黑毛俄罗斯猎犬-8英石的卡德里和10英石的霍比特。 The largest dog he photographed was five-year-old long-haired St. Bernard 'Misha', who weighed in a staggering 98kg - or over 15 stone. 他拍摄过的最大的狗是五岁大的长毛圣伯纳德犬"米夏"。米夏体重惊人--98kg--超过15英石。 Andy was able to take a picture of him sitting still while little Matthew, who is not even two yet, gently patted his face. 安迪的镜头中,米夏静静地坐着,还不到两岁的小马修温柔地拍了拍米夏的脸。 |